My political ideology is Dissafected Government, the Political Typology Quiz says "Disaffected Democrats strongly believe the economic system unfairly favors powerful interests and that business corporation makes too much profit. Relatively few believe their family has achieved the American Dream, and 24% believe it is out of reach for their family. Most say the government should do more to help the needy and that poor people have hard lives because government benefits do not go far enough to help them live decently. In contrast to other Democratic-oriented groups, a majority (63%) characterizes government as “almost always wasteful and inefficient.”
The only political experience I've had is voting, I'm currently taking this class because it is a pre-requisite for my major which is Paralegal, the reason I'm interested in pursuing a career in that field is that I want to help my community by working with immigration lawyers. I hope to understand more how the government works by the end of the semester.
On the Civic Literacy quiz, I did bad and on the current event quiz, I did better. I'm more aware of what is going on now rather than the Past.