Thursday, May 9, 2019

Comment on classmate blog #2

I found this blog to be very interesting and informative. Using numbers makes this more eye-catching for the reader. I agree with the author because some women are single mothers or mothers to be and having no pay for maternity leave is hard especially because if they don’t have any medical insurance the cost to have their baby will be very high especially here in Austin. Just a story of my experience with a hospital bill: Last year in October I took my husband to the Emergency room because of a very sharp pain he had in his stomach to the point where he could not walk or move. They did a cat scan, x-rays, ultrasound, blood work and he ended up having pancreatitis so he was admitted to the hospital we had to stay 24 hours. For all of the test and fluids, they gave him our hospital bill was $24,800. That is so much money and we could not afford that. Imagine being in a hospital for 3-4 day to have a baby the bill will be very high especially if there are complications where more things are needed. On top of the hospital bill, they will receive different bills for different doctors that attended them during the process. Maternity leave should be paid because like I mentioned some women don’t have the support of the babies father and they don’t have insurance because it is also very expensive. If maternity leave was paid moms would not be so stressed about bills. Mothers should also spend more than 6 weeks with their newborn baby. I think that jobs should also extend maternity leave time because it is healthy for the mommy and baby. To conclude this, jobs should pay maternity leave and extend the time period they can be gone from work.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Talking about guns is a big topic and also sensitive to some. However, it is important because there have been millions of deaths due to guns in this country. This is a huge problem that many people don’t like talking about. Most people who are licensed to carry a firearm are against “controlling” who can carry one and where they can be obtained. I honestly think that guns should not be allowed. The only people who should have access to have them are police, army and any other government-related group that has always had one. There should be no way a U.S citizen can get their hands on a firearm.
There have been shooting all over the world that has killed a lot of people. Here in the United States, there is not one day that we don’t see in the news that there was a shooting especially in our local Austin news. It’s scary to see the news because all we hear about is guns and dead people. We as citizens shouldn’t be scared to go to school or work. Schools should be protected because that’s where most shootings have taken place. Every day that I have class I am scared to show up because who knows what would happen. That could be the last day for me and for many people. I think that the schools should have metal detectors and everyone who comes in should be registered and maybe even searched for any weapons. Our campus allows guns and it’s scary to even think about. I don’t think it should be allowed because we all pay for our education and the students should have had the option to vote on that issue.
Guns are dangerous and people should not have access to them unless like I mentioned they are in the army or police. We should protect everyone’s life no matter their skin color or where they are from. GUNS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Criticism on other students blog 5

I think that maybe there could have been more information added to this and your opinion as well. Trump says one thing and never makes up his mind and next thing you know he says another thing. He did mainly mean that he wanted to keep drugs and gangs out but he also wants to keep any person of color out of the United States. All the refugee places are full but it’s because the government doesn’t want to help other people. If they were to help them get jobs so that they could afford to at least have a place to stay the refugee centers would not be full. If the government would allow them to live the “American dream” people here would be happy. The other solution could be having better security in the borders but some people who work for the government are corrupt. Having all the security in this world will not keep people from coming to the united states because all the “bad” people can buy off a border patrol officer to let them bring people to the country. I’ve heard all kind of stories from people who are immigrants about them witnessing corrupt government workers. Third, if this country would allow people who are actually a good human being and want to have a good future apply for some kind of document that could make them legal they would have better lives. It’s unfair that some people can’t be legal even after so many years of living here paying their taxes and doing everything right but the person who has committed crimes does get that privilege. This country will always have people immigrating over because of what this country promises to live “The American Dream”. 

blog 5: Immigrants a Problem? What is the Solution? 
Original Blog From Classmate Elena McAdams: So recently in America, there has been a huge problem of the federal government being overwhelmed by central American refugees arriving by the thousands. There are two reasons for that. One reason is that president Donald Trump‘s policies sent the signal that this may be the last and best chance to find safety in the United States and second, the existing laws make handling immigrants from America more complicated for administration. On Friday, on the news, Trump declared to the refugees that “the system is full. We can’t take you anymore… Our country is full so turn around” This was declared during a public discussion with border security officials in El Centro California. Trump was primarily speaking about the terms of drugs and gangs. He also talked about the limitations of military forces that he has sent to reinforce border enforcement agents in dealing with the immigrants. Continuing this speech President Trump declared, “they rush our border and we have military and they are great military people but they can’t act the way they would under other conditions and there’s not a lot that they can do”. President Trump is trying to find solutions to this growing problem of immigrants who are trying to come to America. He had thought about closing the border of Mexico and America, but that might be detrimental to the United States trading. A lot of American produce is actually from Mexico and this would cause a decline in our trading and access to bulk produce. President Trump has announced that he will postpone the closing of the Mexican border until 2020 that is all we know about this situation so far.

Friday, April 5, 2019

U.S Government

I don't really keep up with the government, mainly because it is full of crap and unfair things. However, based on my research I saw that president Trump had threatened to close the southern border that connects Mexico and the United States. He is literally the only one that wants that. This president does not know what else to do to this country, all he wants to do is bug Mexico and all the Hispanic population. Fist he wants to get rid of DACA and separate families with U.S citizen children. He's always had the idea of building a wall which he will never get. Too bad for him, it's really expensive and being the childish person he is he decides to shut down the government which affected a lot of people even my family. It affected my family because I'm currently fixing my husband’s legal status here in the U.S. and it backed up all the legal cases of people including my husbands. This country deserves a person who will be a good leader, not a childish and unprofessional person. 2020 is our year to take this man out. Anything that has to do with government revolves around president Trump, and all the issues going on are because of him. There might be a few that were problems before he was in the White house, but ever sins he won its been worse. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Boeing 737

The author of this article overall did a good job of informing readers about what happened in the accident. Getting the reader’s attention by adding a picture of what the plane looks like and including that no one survived in the crash. The fact that president trump wants to get to the bottom of what happened Is a god idea. “President Donald Trump declares Wednesday the U.S. would join countries around the world in taking the jetliner out of the skies in the wake of two recent catastrophic crashes.”   The author is also trying to persuade people to not fly through that airline because it has been the second deadliest accident involving a Boeing 737, the author believes it might be a problem with that specific model. The author also included a video and I think that was very intelligent because it haves you question your self about what kind od airlines and planes you want to fly in. The president is concerned about the safety of Americans traveling. I have never been In a plane and I probably will not because I’m scared of heights. All these plane crashes have made me think about my friends and family that do travel through plane and it makes me anxious and scared for them. The author just wants to inform citizens of the issue sins people do travel often especially with upcoming events like “’Spring break” They just want people to be more careful and think about what airlines and airplanes they should fly in. Planes should always be checked before they fly with a lot of people.

Friday, February 22, 2019


On the CBS News website, there is an article about a student being corrected. The title is "Student criticized dress code after being told she can't wear the "Make America Great Again" hat to school. by Alex Sundby. The author wants to inform mostly the community but also the rest of the country to show what really goes on and what students are seeing every day. He is also, trying to show that schools have policies that need to be enforced by the district.

 I think it is good that people get a living by showing people what is going on through the news. It's very interesting what happens in schools every day and it makes parents feel like their kids are not safe at school anymore. When the lady from the school gets interviewed and says, "dress code is about allowing our kids to come to school to feel safe and school, to feel supported at school and to be free of distractions." that makes parents feel better but the fact that the student still wears that makes them feel like rules are not followed. Yes, the MAGA hat is not gang related but it is racial toward a lot of people especially because Donald Trump is the one that came up with that. Being racist is also considered bullying to some people. If bullying is not allowed in schools, they shouldn't allow people that are racist. anything racist should be left outside of the school's doors. 

The author did a good job of informing the county on what is really happening and some people just ignore it. What if it was something offending you? Think about that!

Friday, February 1, 2019

No Need For Apology (Blog #2)

Fox News had an article "Restaurant owner who banned costumes in MAGA hats take back remarks, apologies for 'amplifying the anger'" by Michael Bartiromo, it's interesting to read because you can see that people don't really have freedom of speech without getting criticized for what you feel. Anyone can reject service to people. Lopez said, “It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate.” MAGA meaning,  "Make America Great Again". All he meant is that he did not want any kind of hate in his restaurant weather is racism or not. IF THE SHOE FITS THEN WEAR IT. If you are against racism I recommend to read it I'm sure you will be heated after reading it.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Government 1st Blog

My political ideology is Dissafected Government, the Political Typology Quiz says "Disaffected Democrats strongly believe the economic system unfairly favors powerful interests and that business corporation makes too much profit. Relatively few believe their family has achieved the American Dream, and 24% believe it is out of reach for their family. Most say the government should do more to help the needy and that poor people have hard lives because government benefits do not go far enough to help them live decently. In contrast to other Democratic-oriented groups, a majority (63%) characterizes government as “almost always wasteful and inefficient.”
     The only political experience I've had is voting, I'm currently taking this class because it is a pre-requisite for my major which is Paralegal, the reason I'm interested in pursuing a career in that field is that I want to help my community by working with immigration lawyers.  I hope to understand more how the government works by the end of the semester. 
     On the Civic Literacy quiz, I did bad and on the current event quiz, I did better. I'm more aware of what is going on now rather than the Past.